UNYF Edmonton
UNYF Edmonton
Молодь Українського Національного Обʼєднання - Едмонтон
Молодь Українського Національного Обʼєднання - Едмонтон
We are the Ukrainian National Youth Federation (UNYF), Edmonton branch. UNYF was established back in 1934 in the city of Saskatoon and quickly spread throughout the country. For this, we are grateful for the efforts and dedication of the first President of UNYF and Canadian Senator, Paul Yuzyk. The Edmonton UNYF branch temporarily ceased its activities, however, with a renewed commitment to its mission and values, was recently reinstated by the Ukrainian National Federation of Canada (UNF), shortly after the beginning of the full-scale war in Ukraine in February 2022, at the initiative of a young group of individuals.
UNYF Edmonton is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to unite the Ukrainian youth in Edmonton and promote modern Ukranian culture. UNYF Edmonton, together with its parent body, the Ukrainian National Federation of Canada, is dedicated to preserving Ukrainian-Canadian history and Ukrainian cultural heritage. We honour the traditions of the past, while looking to the future with determination and enthusiasm.
One of our main goals at the time, however, is to continue raising awareness about the horrific full-scale war unfolding in Ukraine, as well as the horrific acts of terrorism and inhumane war crimes that russia is committing there. Everything we do raises awareness and helps Ukraine in its own way.
Overall, we strive to unite Ukrainian-Canadian youth on a national level, promote good citizenship within a multicultural Canadian society, strengthen the Ukrainian-Canadian community, and support a free and democratic Ukraine.
What makes us unique is that all our projects and events are driven by and the result of the dedicated efforts of our youth. We are steadfast in our commitment to harnessing the passion, energy, and creativity of our young members to lead and shape our initiatives. Our ultimate goal is to unite the entire Ukrainian youth, Ukrainian organizations, and the broader Ukrainian-Canadian community in Edmonton, fostering collaboration and cohesion within our community.
Our talented and dedicated team realizes innovative ideas and carries out amazing projects that benefit our community and Ukraine every day. We contribute to the growth, positive development, and diverse representation of multifaceted Ukrainian culture in Canada. Everything we do is driven by a shared commitment to UNITY and a profound desire to contribute to the betterment of Ukraine.
We have a wide variety of projects and events that allow our Ukrainian community to find peers with similar interests, develop leadership and creative skills, promote modern Ukrainian cultural trends in Canada, and make a difference by contributing to the fight against the russian aggressor.
Rallies in Support of Ukraine
Every second Sunday, UNYF Edmonton organizes rallies in support of Ukraine. We will continue to hold these rallies in Edmonton for as long as the brutal war with russia is going on, and for as long as russia continues carrying out the deliberate genocide of Ukrainian people. As mentioned, one of our main goals at this time is to keep raising awareness about the horrific events unfolding in Ukraine. We cannot and will not stay silent about it! And encourgage you to join us! Come out to our next rally to show your support!
“You don’t have to be Ukrainian to support Ukraine, you just have to be human!” – UNYF
Charity Concerts and Film Screenings
Our events also strive to combine the sacred traditions of the past, with modern attributes of our Ukrainian culture. Together, we celebrate the diversity and beauty of our culture, preserved through generations, at every step. From charity concerts of our own creation, to bringing famous Ukrainian artists to Edmonton, to giving a platform to rising local stars, our events let the Ukrainian youth and community as a whole deepen their bonds with our heritage, and discover their passions in our community.
Social Charity Events
No matter the season, our youth stays active and involved to ensure that every Ukrainian in Edmonton has something to do and a chance to meet someone new. Our monthly social skating events during the winter months, bonfires and family picnics during the summer months, and art workshops and game nights in between, have all become the long-awaited events for every Ukrainian, and not only! All of these initiatives are a perfect opportunity to get out and meet new people, as well as to raise some more funds for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who are tirelessly defending our homeland.
And what could be better than embracing the Canadian winter activities and meeting new people over a hot cup of tea or coffee! Or enjoying a cool beverage with snacks while baking in the sunshine on a warm summer day? Or sitting in front of a bonfire, roasting marshmallows, and singing our favourite Ukrainian songs? We are continuously working on new ideas for events to bring you all together!
Join us on the next one of these and bring your friends and family!
We are Ukrainian-Canadians, the majority of whom originally immigrated to Canada from Ukraine and still maintain strong family ties in our homeland. In addition to our established members, we are proud to welcome a growing number of Ukrainian newcomers to our team and among our dedicated volunteers.