UNYF Edmonton
UNYF Edmonton
Молодь Українського Національного Обʼєднання - Едмонтон
Молодь Українського Національного Обʼєднання - Едмонтон
ANNOUNCED: 11/5/2023
CLOSED: 11/29/2023
We are currently collecting donations for our recently announced project – St. Nicholas gifts for children who are currently in Ohmatdyt, a national specialized children’s hospital in Kyiv, Ukraine.
Have you ever wished you were a superhero? Well, now is your chance!
Every $40 dollars you donate is a gift on St. Nicholas Day! The more donations, the more smiles on those chidlren’s faces!
Our goal is to raise $5,000 CAD by December 1st! That’s 125 smiles!
e-transfer to: unyfalberta@gmail.com
We appreciate your support!
Remember – every little bit of help matters and brings us closer to ending this brutal war and saving the lives of innocent people in Ukraine!
“There are no small donations, only their absence.” – UNYF