UNYF Edmonton
UNYF Edmonton
Молодь Українського Національного Обʼєднання - Едмонтон
Молодь Українського Національного Обʼєднання - Едмонтон
Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) recently launched a major campaign and plans to meet at the 75th NATO Summit in Washington, from 9 to 11 July, with officials, influencers, civil society leaders, and experts in all 32 NATO member countries to promote NATO’s membership invitation for Ukraine.
UWC has called on all activists and organizations that support Ukraine to join its advocacy campaign, #UkraineInNATO to promote the country’s accession to NATO to strengthen the Alliance amid Russia’s threats.
As such, we will also be joining the campaign by holding a rally dedicated to this theme.
Sunday, July 14 at 2pm – Violet King Henry Plaza (99 Avenue)
Join us for a short walk along Jasper Avenue to show your support.
Please don’t be indifferent.