UNYF Edmonton
UNYF Edmonton
Молодь Українського Національного Обʼєднання - Едмонтон
Молодь Українського Національного Обʼєднання - Едмонтон
Saturday, February 8 at 5pm – UNF Hall (10629 98 St NW) Join us for an exciting evening of Mafia game, all while supporting a great cause! Immerse yourself in the thrilling atmosphere of the game, filled with unexpected twists and…
We know you’ve been waiting! Our next family skating event is coming up! Grab your skates, family, and friends, and let’s enjoy these snowy days together! We’ll provide hot drinks and great company. Please note: there is no skate rental available…
We know you’ve been waiting! ❄️ The season is back, and this is our first skating event of the year! 🥰 Grab your skates, family, and friends, and let’s enjoy these snowy days together! 🥰 We’ll provide hot drinks and…
Saturday, December 14 at 6pm – UNF Hall (10629 98 St NW) Join us for an exciting evening of Mafia, all while supporting a great cause! Immerse yourself in the thrilling atmosphere of the game, filled with unexpected twists and dynamic…
Запрошуємо вас на благодійний літературно-музичний вечір! Мета заходу: збір коштів для лікування маленьких громадян України, нашого майбутнього, через благодійну організацію Благодійний фонд “Для тебе”. Вартість квитка: вхід за донат. Кошти будуть спрямовані на підтримку дітей в Україні. Двері відкриваються о…
You’re not mistaken – this is the Kupala celebration on July 13th… We had a lot of things and other events to take care of, so we didn’t manage to celebrate Kupala according to the calendar, but we love this…
The Ukrainian Drama Theater “Suzirya” presents Mykhailo Starytsky’s famous comedy “Chasing Two Hares” in our city! This will be a second showing for those who couldn’t make it to the first one, or those who’d like to see it again! So, who is chasing whom? Svyryd…
Saturday, June 22, 6-8:30pm – Ukrainian National Federation Hall (10629 98 St NW) The Ukrainian Drama Theater “Suzirya” presents Mykhailo Starytsky’s famous comedy “Chasing Two Hares” in our city! So, who is chasing whom? Svyryd Holokhvosty is after Mr. Sirko’s wealth. And also after the…
Saturday, June 1, 6-11pm – Free Store for Ukrainian Newcomers (10568 108 St NW) Step into the shadows of the city’s dark alleys as the Mafia emerges from the depths of secrecy. This Saturday, brace yourself for a night of…
Wednesday, May 15, 6:30-8:30pm – Robbins Health Learning Centre (10910 104 Ave NW) We are very pleased to announce an incredible event dedicated to International Vyshyvanka Day! This is a presentation of the book “Imperishable,” where the authors have conducted phenomenal…